Beating the Market Price
The sellers wanted to move to a larger home, so they decided to sell this 1,701 sqf property. The last time a unit was sold was when the owner purchased the property at $2.55 million in 2016.
We noticed an upwards trend in psf for the small units moving from $1,499 psf to $1,940 psf, making our sale price a possibility.
Based on the market trends, as well as the demand for larger properties, we came to unison with the sellers and started to advertise at $3.4 million, way above the last transacted.
To maximize the opportunity for our client, we went heavy on marketing, created a home tour video, then advertised on our Facebook, YouTube,
Website, and various property portals.

End Result
Within 4 months, this gorgeous and spacious property was sold at a whopping $3.3 million, breaking the record.
(P.S. A lower floor unit was sold at $3.2 mil just a couple of days before we did. For 4 storeys difference, and $100k more, ours smashed all records done so far!)